Sunday, December 2, 2012

Equestrian Challenge: Day 1.

Day 01- When and why you started riding

I was a horse-crazy kid, stuck in the city, with two parents who weren't horse people, at all. I guess, like most little girls, I liked the idea of riding. I read lots of riding books where the main characters were smart and sassy, and wore breeches, and rode beautiful horses over "fences". Little did I know I would end up riding western, and have yet to wear breeches. One of these days I'm going to achieve the fences + breeches combo!

My first riding experience was a kid's camp in a large park called Fish Creek Park inside of Calgary. My second cousin and I went together, we were both 6. We got to share a pony named Peaches for a week. All I can remember is one of us would lead Peaches on the ground, whilst the other would ride. There was probably 5-6 other pairs of kids, and we would walk around in a round-pen, with a camp counsellor in the middle.

When I was 8 I started going to Bates Bar J, another horse camp, but this one was full-day AND sleepover. Growing up! My life pretty much changed from there-on in. I was a horse-crazy 8 year old, who never looked back, and now I'm just as horse-crazy (possibly crazier, which is hard to believe), and even more determined.

8 year old Louisa, ft. a mushroom cut, riding a horse named Minnie who had to wear a metal muzzle, because of her horrible biting habits. Beautiful combo, clearly.

1 comment:

  1. Im pretty sure I had that hair cut too, lol. And I went to camp at Circle Square ranch and rode a hairy pony named Burro, now I think back I bet he had cushings cause he was sure furry for summer.
