Thursday, November 22, 2012

Horse Quiz!

"Me?! I'm a horse, and I'm a quiz?"
"No Quiz, a human horse quiz!"

Splurge or save:
1. saddle: splurge (everyday I love the fact I splurged on my saddle)
2. board: bit of both I guess, at the place I board at I splurge during the winter and put Jingle inside at night so he can a) get grain & supplements b) I can ride at night and put him away without be worried of him freezing, being too wet, etc. but in the spring/summer he gets kicked back outside so I can save!
3. halter: when it comes to tack - BY ALL THE TACK, no matter the price. So both.
4. bit: splurge, although, as you guys know... this is no longer an issue in my life.
5. bridle: splurge
6. saddle pad: splurge
7. trailer: for my poor self, ANY trailer would be a splurge, I'm thinking my first trailer will definitely be a used, well-loved, but still safe trailer, so - save.

Someone I really respect once told me, when it comes to tack (Saddles, bridles, bits, cinches - anything that goes on your horse), always buy the highest quality product, even if it means having to splurge, because in the end you, and your horse, will be happy you did. Cheap never goes a long way.

First thing that comes to mind: 
1. Haflinger: What exactly is this again? I'm picturing a small draft style horse..?
(just googled - huzzah - I am right!)
2. Quarter Horse: the best, my kinda breed :) (and paints! let's not forget the painted cousin of the QH - says Jingle)
3. Thoroughbred: OTTB's
4. Warmblood: Big & Pretty
5. Welsh Cob: Big-Small & Drafty

This or That:
1. English or Western
2. tall or short
3. trail ride or beach ride (never dont it)
4long mane or short mane (the idea of chopping off Jingle's main makes my heart hurt - never!)
5. hunters or jumpers
6. XC or barrel racing (... I love the idea of cross country - what a complete rush!)
7. outdoor arena or indoor arena  (once you go indoor, you never go back)
8. trot or canter 
9. canter or gallop
10. paddock boots, tall boots, or cowboy boots
11horse shoes or barefoot
12saddle or bareback

About you: 
1. How long have you been riding? I have been riding since I was 6, at various horse-camps, I began riding regularly at 16, and started taking lessons at 19!
2. Do you own or lease a horse? own
3. Breed? Age? Height? Name? (if you don’t own or lease, you could talk about your lesson horse) Paint Horse, 8, 15.1" (I think?), Jingle!
4. Do you have any other pets?   Moose (Hungarian Komondor - google it, you'll want to meet him the second you see what the full grown dogs look like), Bob (overly needy cat)
5. If your horse was a person, what kind of voice would they have (you can use a celebrity for an example) Anyone that knows me, knows Jingle's voice, it's slightly sarcastic, kind of needy, slightly dopy, and sometimes "MAHM - I AM SCARED!", ft. big-wild-white-eyes
6. Does your horse have a “color”? If so, what is it, and what do you have in that color? Red, with a hint of blue here and there, and of course - bling (in my life, bling is a colour)
7. Does your horse do any tricks? haha.. Jingle's tricks include looking crazy, eating cookies/treats funny (WHAT IS IN MY MOUTH?! WHAT IS THIS?! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO RIGHT NOW?!), and being a bit of a goof-ball.
8. Have you ever dressed your horse up for Halloween? Nope... next year, it's happening!

1. Breed? Paints & QH's.
 2. Discipline? Cutting (one day... one day)
3. Coat color? Bays, Sorrels w/ Flaxen Manes & Tails & anything flashy & splashy in the paint world - mainly Overo's.
4. Famous horse? Highbrow Cat & Don't Look Twice (her barn name is Lipstick - so cute)
5. Horse race/competition? Big fan of the Tournaments at Spruce Meadows, NCHA World Show.
6. Brand of tack? Weaver, good quality, never fails me.
7. Thing to do with your horse? Big, long, crazy trail rides ft. river loping & when things just seem to "fit" and fall into place in the arena. Also, grooming and cuddles - MTG/Condition & Braid his mane & tail every week!

1 comment:

  1. Clearly that's what I refer to a brilliant blog article! Do you run this site for personal purposes solely or you still use it profit wise?
