Monday, January 6, 2014

"The Land of the Sun"

So, this afternoon my plane touched down in...


Yes, friends, this is where this crazy journey that is my life is taking me now.

When I was stuck in Texas, experiencing everyone's all-time favourite weather pattern = chunks of ice rain from the sky, I got a call from my old boss from back home. She was the one I originally was suppose to head down to the states with, but her plans fell through and I ended up in Texas. She was back on her feet, needed some help, and wanted to see if I was interested.

We had a long discussion and basically what enticed me into taking the job was two things: one-on-one and a small operation. My boss is a much "smaller" trainer than the guy I was working for, she has a small operation, and she can only have one person helping her (me). She's also getting a bit older and wants to physically slow down a bit, that's where I was really interested. She really has the time, and the means to train me how to cut. She also focuses a lot in coaching of amateur riders, and as of now... I am beyond amateur in the cutting pen, so someone who knows how to work with amateurs was a serious plus.

So here I am, my first day jitters are in full effect, but I'm hopefully optimistic about where i've landed this time around. Plus, Arizona is beautiful, and warm (warmity warm warm warm yaaay), just a short drive around today and I'm already obsessed with the desert and the rock. I'm hoping I can find some areas to do some hiking/running and can hopefully find some time to do exploring. (smaller operation = a bit more alone time) However, in february we have three big shows, so I doubt i'll have that much alone time. What kind of loper gets alone time, really?

Wish me luck on my next (and newest!) adventure.